April Fooled

Lunch was hurriedly digested without my taste buds even trying to savor the exotic mixture of fresh greens. I had to be in school in an hour for my first day in 'Teaching the Mentally Retarded'. I took a jeepney ride, the train and an fx to my destination while trying hard to keep myself from getting soaked in this sweaty afternoon. I guess I was lucky, I traveled in a flash without a glitch. But then, I wasn't done with my registration. Alas, the accounting office was closed for the weekend. How could I forget that? But hey, there were weekend workers behind the bars who accommodated me. This school is ran by the nuns after all. I got my papers stamped. Now I was officially enrolled. It was time to meet my professor. Several students were waiting outside the classroom, excited to know what was there to learn about teaching the MR - only to be told the professor was not around. Uh, bummer.


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