The 5 Fastest Ways to Increase Your Vocabulary

By Marilyn Estelle

If you are looking to increase your vocabulary, you probably already know about the massive benefits you will gain by doing so. A good vocabulary is tightly linked to your career opportunities and earning potential, not to mention being a valuable asset in all your personal relationships.

And if you have ever glanced at the bulging dictionary on your shelf and felt overwhelmed at the number of new and difficult words it contains, you'll be relieved once you learn about some new, easy, ways to increase your vocabulary. You no longer need to memorize words by rote from the dictionary or laboriously copy them into fat notebooks to carry around with you for endless, tedious review.

There are many studies that show how the human brain learns best, and now there are powerful new vocabulary learning tools that capitalize on this research and make it simple, easy, and best of all fun for you to learn the new words that will catapult you towards the success you deserve.

"Constructivism" is a theory of learning that has been developed from years of research and exploration. Many eminent scholars including Jean Piaget, George Hein, Eleanor Duckworth and Howard Gardener have developed these ideas and now YOU can use them to help you increase your vocabulary.
Educationalist Roger Bybee developed a model that builds on these ideas, and that is ideal to use for building your vocabulary. This is the "5Es" model:

Engage - The material to be learned must be of interest to the student. You need to have your attention engaged on a personal level.

Explore - Interactivity is key. The more ways you have to explore a new idea or a new word, the easier it is to learn.

Explain - You must have a clear explanation (essential in vocabulary building) - and with the other elements of this model it is easy for you to remember the explanation.

Elaborate - In this step of the model, the student is now able to easily learn more, related facts or words or situations. This is a vital part of vocabulary learning as you elaborate from a simple definition to related words and meanings. Crucially, you also elaborate when you learn different situations it's appropriate to use the word in.

Evaluate - As you learn interactively, your brain naturally evaluates what you are taking in and assesses it, finding links to your own personal experience, which guarantees retention in your long-term memory.

So - as you look for methods to increase your vocabulary, be sure to find tools and interactive software programs that can make the whole process fun and easy!

Marilyn Estelle is a vocabulary building expert. Marilyn has a popular vocabulary blog with tons of great free vocabulary building information. Why not visit the blog now at vocabulary


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