Bamboo Baskets

Bamboo and wicker baskets carried on the back are commonly found in Southeast Asian countries including among the ethnic nationalities of southern China where bamboos abound. These are very useful in carrying all sorts of things specially when climbing mountains where both hands need to be free in case one has to hold on to a stick or a bush for balance. Sometimes, the basket designs distinguish one ethnic group from another. The photo shows baskets from the Zhuang nationality of Guangxi Province.

zhuang fisherman's dance, originally uploaded by qianlong.


  1. hi! it's so nice to find someone being to my hometown (yancheng) :). i really like ur content. if u don't mind i'll just link it so that i can keep an eye on it.

    do keep on with the nice job!

  2. Thanks, Zachary. Well, I'm not in Yancheng right now and I do miss the place. It has developed a lot since the last time I was there.

  3. yes, i know. i have visited the other blog of urs. thx for ur interest in my city. :)


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